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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Growing Demand for Business Consultants
Outsourcing as the New Solution

Starting and growing a business has always been a complex and demanding job. The new world of technology, increasing regulations and laws, and human resource issues make this an even more challenging environment for business owners.

The simple fact is that it is virtually impossible for today’s entrepreneur to keep apace of the rapid changes that demand attention and management. This means that more and more business owners are turning to business consultants and outsourcing many of their more specialized functions.

Tapping into the Market

For the savvy business consultant, this growth in opportunity means that a well-delivered message and credible positioning will add new clientele. The harried small business owner wants to know that a solution is being provided at an affordable price.

That expectation requires that you clearly communicate the problem that you are solving. It also requires that the business owner sees you as someone that relates to their specific situation and environment.

Five Essential Traits

While there are many elements that go into being a successful business consultant, there are five fundamental elements that must be cultivated and marketed. These include:

1. Expertise. Entrepreneurs turn to outsourcing for specific solutions. They want to quickly understand that an individual or firm is going to provide that solution based on their specialized knowledge and experience.
2. Credibility. A strong referral base with satisfied customers is the quickest route to gaining a potential client’s confidence. This is the concept of building a business one satisfied customer at a time.
3. Approachability. Being an expert is an asset only if a client believes you can relate your expertise to them on a personal basis. This is often a balancing act that requires careful consideration of each client’s environment. For example, some situations demand a suit and others will best be served with working casual attire.
4. Dependability. Entrepreneurs are used to meeting impossible deadlines. When they outsource a task, the more responsive and reliable the consultant, the more the situation is a solution rather than just another problem to be managed.
5. Affordability. Most business owners like bite-sized solutions. This doesn’t mean that a client won’t produce substantial revenues. The key is to approach the situation with a menu of options that allow confidence to be built. Provide a menu of services that get the relationship started and build the business on successful performance.

Increasing complexity in the business market means increased opportunity for consultants if the situation is approached properly. Design your marketing programs to project an understanding of the small business owner’s unique needs. Project the basic traits of a successful consultant and you will find that entrepreneurs will turn to you for their outsourcing needs.

This has been a guest post from Naked Business Consultants in Australia. They are a group of business consultants who are doing some very interesting things down under.

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